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Friday, August 15, 2008

Three months old and more...

The past two weeks or so have been a mixed bag for the Griffin family. On the positive side, we celebrated 5 years of marriage on August 9th! :) We got to get away for a few nights at Salish Lodge (at Snoqualmie Falls)... nice, very nice. That was a surprise from Rob, and he even arranged for a few fun extras while we were there: Our good friend Lindsay came to our room and watched Ruby so we could get hot stone massages at the spa... wow! Those were a-maze-ing!! And then Dustin and Holly (Crystal's brother and sister-in-law) came and babysat so we could go out to dinner. It was a wonderful surprise getaway. 

And now that Ruby is 3 months old (yikes!!!), she loves to "march" (flail her arms and legs sort of in rhythm and make crazy eyes and faces to match), coo up a storm (on the verge of laughing sometimes!), play with her hands and toes, and blow even more bubbles. However, because of all the fun she is having (and maybe combined with the heat? and who knows what else...), she hasn't been napping during the day for the past two weeks or so. It is very draining on Mommy!! She still sleeps at night, but instead of napping during the day, she likes to cry and cry. We've resorted back to the swing to get by some of the time. Also, she doesn't seem to smile as often as she used to. Maybe she is just enjoying her new skills too much, or maybe it's the lack of sleep making her less social... but we miss it. :(

Here are a few photos of Ruby since our last post.

Sporting her red, white, and blue in honor of the Olympics! Go USA!! Go Phelps!! (We measured Daddy's "wingspan" to compare it to Phelps', and Rob has 2 inches on him--Rob's is 6'9"! Maybe Ruby will be the next "superfish"... or the next all-around gold gymnast...) And, yes, those ARE cowgirl boots! :)

Ruby's "crazy eyes":

Snuggling with Asha at Miss Mallory's house.

Going for her regular walks with Mommy while Daddy's busy playing tennis. Thanks, Grandma Sue, for the cute (and functional!) sunhat!!

Sleepy time (at night, of course!). We love our sweet little Ruby June!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great new pictures...sounds like you guys had a great anniversary-Congrats on 5 years!!!
We need to get together soon...the babes grow up much too fast!
Love ya,