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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Almost here!!!

So, Thursday is our due date!  Crystal has been having a lot more contractions, to the point where we are timing them!  It could be any day now, or night most likely.  We have been keeping very busy, with social events and baby classes.  We are all finished with our baby classes and are feeling much more prepared, still nervous, but more prepared.  Crystal had her last baby shower the other week with my sister who is also due at the end of May with a boy.  We have just about all we need so far, or at least we think we have all we need, being the first baby, we probably won't know until we need it!  Thank you to all who came to the showers.

Today we had an early Mother's Day, thanks to my Dad and Lori!  We went to Anothony's Beach Cafe for lunch, and then played in the sandbox with my niece Torance.  It was such a beautiful day.  The sun was warm and the food was great!  Our little girl is going to have a lot of close family, and for that we feel lucky.  Thanks for reading and I am sure that our next post will be about the birth of our girl, so check back soon!

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